►NnkAstraeus | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsAstraeus |
►Nlua | |
►NstdWrap | |
CArrayWrapper | Wraps available template specializations for std::array and offers functions for use in scripting |
►NnkAstraeusWrap | Encompasses the wrapping of nkAstraeus for scripting |
CEnvironmentInitializer | Allows to initialize an environment to set up all the offered wrapping for nkAstraeus inside it |
CLogWrapper | Wraps the nkAstraeus::LogManager, and offers functions to use it from a scripting environment |
►NnkExportWrap | Encompasses the wrapping of nkExport for scripting |
CConstants | Constants encompassing user type identifiers for the wrapping of nkExport |
CEnvironmentInitializer | Allows to initialize an environment to set up all the offered wrapping for nkExport inside it |
CExporterLoadResultWrapper | Wraps a nkExport::ExporterLoadResult and offer functions for use in scripting |
CExportErrorWrapper | Wraps a nkExport::ExportError and offer functions for use in scripting |
CExportNodeNatureWrapper | Wraps the enum values of the nkExport::NODE_NATURE |
CExportNodeValueTypeWrapper | Wraps the enum values of the nkExport::NODE_VALUE_TYPE |
CJsonExporterWrapper | Wraps a nkExport::JsonExporter and offer functions for use in scripting |
CNodeWrapper | Wraps a nkExport::Node and offers functions for use in scripting |
►NnkGaphicsWrap | |
CPrimitiveTopologyWrapper | Wraps the enum values of the nkGraphics::PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY |
►NnkGraphicsWrap | Encompasses the wrapping of nkGraphics for scripting |
CBoundingBoxWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::BoundingBox and offers functions for use in scripting |
CCameraManagerWrapper | Wraps the nkGraphics::CameraManager and offers functions for use in scripting |
CCameraWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::Camera and offers functions for use in scripting |
CCompositorManagerWrapper | Wraps the nkGraphics::CompositorManager and offers functions for use in scripting |
CCompositorNodeWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::CompositorNode and offers functions for use in scripting |
CCompositorWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::Compositor and offers functions for use in scripting |
CConstants | Constants encompassing user type identifiers for the wrapping of nkGraphics |
CEntityWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::Entity and offers functions for use in scripting |
CEnvironmentInitializer | Allows to initialize an environment to set up all the offered wrapping for nkGraphics inside it |
CFrustumWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::Frustum and offers functions for use in scripting |
CGltfMeshDecoderWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::GltfMeshDecoder and offers functions for use in scripting |
CMeshManagerWrapper | Wraps the nkGraphics::MeshManager and offers functions for use in scripting |
CMeshWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::Mesh and offers functions for use in scripting |
CNodeManagerWrapper | Wraps the nkGraphics::NodeManager and offers functions for use in scripting |
CNodeWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::Node and offers functions for use in scripting |
CProgramManagerWrapper | Wraps the nkGraphics::ProgramManager and offers functions for use in scripting |
CProgramWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::Program and offers functions for use in scripting |
CRenderQueueManagerWrapper | Wraps the nkGraphics::RenderQueueManager and offers functions for use in scripting |
CRenderQueueWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::RenderQueue and offers functions for use in scripting |
CResourceLoadStateWrapper | Wraps the enum values of the nkGraphics::RESOURCE_LOAD_STATE |
CShaderManagerWrapper | Wraps the nkGraphics::ShaderManager and offers functions for use in scripting |
CShaderWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::Shader and offers functions for use in scripting |
CTextureManagerWrapper | Wraps the nkGraphics::TextureManager and offers functions for use in scripting |
CTextureSaverWrapper | Wraps the nkGraphics::TextureSaver and offers functions for use in scripting |
CTextureUtilsWrapper | Wraps the nkGraphics::TextureUtils and offers functions for use in scripting |
CTextureWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::Texture and offers functions for use in scripting |
CVertexComponentWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::VertexComponent and offers functions for use in scripting |
CVertexCompositionWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::VertexComposition and offers functions for use in scripting |
CViewportManagerWrapper | Wraps the nkGraphics::ViewportManager and offers functions for use in scripting |
CViewportWrapper | Wraps a nkGraphics::Viewport and offers functions for use in scripting |
►NnkMathsWrap | Encompasses the wrapping of nkMaths for scripting |
CConstants | Constants encompassing user type identifiers for the wrapping of nkMaths |
CEnvironmentInitializer | Allows to initialize an environment to set up all the offered wrapping for nkMaths inside it |
CMathConstantsWrapper | Wraps nkMaths::MathConstants and offers its values to use in scripting |
CMatrixWrapper | Wraps a nkMaths::Matrix and offers functions for use in scripting |
CQuaternionWrapper | Wraps a nkMaths::Quaternion and offers functions for use in scripting |
CVectorWrapper | Wraps a nkMaths::Vector and offers functions for use in scripting |
►NnkMemoryWrap | Encompasses the wrapping of nkMemory for scripting |
CBufferCastWrapper | Wraps a nkMemory::BufferCast<T> and offers functions for use in scripting |
CBufferViewWrapper | Wraps a nkMemory::BufferView<T> and offers functions for use in scripting |
CBufferWrapper | Wraps a nkMemory::Buffer and offers functions for use in scripting |
CConstants | Constants encompassing user type identifiers for the wrapping of nkMemory |
CEnvironmentInitializer | Allows to initialize an environment to set up all the offered wrapping for nkMemory inside it |
►NnkResourcesWrap | Encompasses the wrapping of nkResources for scripting |
CConstants | Constants encompassing user type identifiers for the wrapping of nkResources |
CEnvironmentInitializer | Allows to initialize an environment to set up all the offered wrapping for nkResources inside it |
CResourceManagerWrapper | Wraps a nkResources::ResourceManager and offer functions for use in scripting |
►NnkScriptsWrap | Encompasses the wrapping of nkScripts for scripting |
CCompilationFailureTypeWrapper | Wraps the nkScripts::COMPILATION_FAILURE_TYPE enum and offers capabilities to use it in scripts |
CCompilationResultWrapper | Wraps a nkScripts::CompilationResult and offers capabilities to use it in scripts |
CConstants | Constants encompassing user type identifiers for the wrapping of nkScripts |
CEnvironmentInitializer | Allows to initialize an environment to set up all the offered wrapping for nkScripts inside it |
CEnvironmentWrapper | Wraps a nkScripts::Environment and offer functions for use in scripting |
CInterpreterWrapper | Wraps the nkScripts::INTERPRETER enum and offers capabilities to use it in scripts |
CScriptWrapper | Wraps a nkScripts::Script and offers functions for use in scripting |
►NnkTasksWrap | Encompasses the wrapping of nkTasks for scripting |
CConstants | Constants encompassing user type identifiers for the wrapping of nkTasks |
CEnvironmentInitializer | Allows to initialize an environment to set up all the offered wrapping for nkTasks inside it |
CSchedulerTaskWrapper | Wraps a nkTasks::Task and offers functions for use in scripting |
CSchedulerWrapper | Wraps a nkTasks::Scheduler and offers functions for use in scripting |
CTaskResultWrapper | Wraps the enum values of the nkTasks::TASK_RESULT |
CThreadSubmittedWorkWrapper | Wraps a nkTasks::ThreadSubmittedWork and offers functions for use in scripting |
CThreadWrapper | Wraps a nkAstraeus::lua::nkTasksWrap::LuaThread and offers functions for use in scripting |
►NstdWrap | Encompasses the wrapping of std for scripting |
CArrayWrapperTemplate | Basic template class for wrapping a std::array into a scripting environment |
CConstants | Constants encompassing user type identifiers for the wrapping of available std types |
CEnvironmentInitializer | Allows to initialize an environment to set up all the offered wrapping for available std types inside it |
CAtmosphereEffect | An atmosphere effect |
CBlurComplexEffect | A blurring effect |
CComplexEffect | Base class for all complex effects in the component |
CComplexEffectManager | Manages the complex effects available in the component |
CComplexEffectTypeUtils | Offers utility functions to help with the enumeration support |
CDofComplexEffect | A Depth of Field effect |
CEffect | Base class for all effects in the component |
CEffectManager | Manages the effects available in the component |
CEffectTypeUtils | Offers utility functions to help with the enumeration support |
CEnvironmentRenderer | Utility class helping with environment rendering such as cube maps or spherical maps |
CFilmGrainEffect | A film grain effect |
CFilmGrainEffectUtils | Utilities that can help when using an FilmGrainEffect |
CFxaaEffect | A Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing effect |
CGeometryLib | Shader program helping sources for general geometry concepts |
CGraphicsEngine | Drives the graphics engine part |
CImageEnvironmentEffect | Effect using a texture as an input to use it as an environment for the view |
CLogManager | Responsible for logging all messages from the component. By registering a nkLog::Logger inside, it is possible to listen to all messages logged |
CMaterial | Base class for all materials in the component |
CMaterialManager | Manages the materials available in the component |
CMaterialTypeUtils | Offers tools to work with the MATERIAL_TYPE enumeration |
CMathsLib | Shader program helping sources for general maths concepts |
COneChannelPackUtils | Offers tools to work with the ONE_CHANNEL_PACK enumeration |
CPbsEnvironmentMapFilter | Provides tools to filter environment maps and improve IBL within the PbsMaterial |
CPbsMaterial | A Physically Based Shading material |
CPostProcessingLib | Shader program helping sources to handle post processing passes |
CProjectLoader | Allows to load and save projects, that is, resource sets |
CProjectLoadQuery | Describes a project load query |
CProjectLoadResult | Holds information about a project load attempt |
CProjectSaveQuery | Describes a project save query |
CScriptsEngine | Drives the scripting sub engine |
CShadowMapParameters | Exposes parameters for the shadow map setup in materials and effects supporting it |
CShadowMapPcfUtils | Offers utilities around using the SHADOW_MAP_PCF enumeration |
CShadowMappingLib | Shader program helping sources for shadow mapping |
CSsaoEffect | A Screen Space Ambient Occlusion effect |
CSsaoEffectUtils | Utilities that can help when using an SsaoEffect |
CSystem | The main entry point for nkAstraeus engine |
CTextureCopyEffect | A texture copy effect |
CThreeChannelPackUtils | Offers utilities to use with the THREE_CHANNEL_PACK enumeration class |
CToneMappingEffect | A tone mapping effect meant to map linear values to display device colors |
CToneMappingHablesCurveDescriptor | Provides all parameters to tune the Hables curve to tone map an image |
►NnkDebug | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsDebug |
CConsoleOutputFormatter | Implementation of a console friendly output formatting |
CCpuDetector | Utility class allowing to get information on the CPU |
CCpuInformation | Holds general information about a CPU |
CDefaultTestObserver | Default implementation of a test run observer |
CFunctionSet | A function set holding testing functions |
CLogManager | Responsible for logging all messages from the component. By registering a nkLog::Logger inside, it is possible to listen to all messages logged |
CNunitOutputFormatter | Implementation formatting test results in nUnit 3 |
COutputFormatter | Base class for test's output formatting |
COutputTarget | Allows to customize the output target of test results |
CRegisteredTestClass | Holds informations about a registered test class |
CSimdInformation | Holds instruction set information |
CSystemDetector | Utility class allowing to get information on the system |
CTestClass | The test enabling class, allowing registration within the UnitTester |
CTestClassObserverInformation | Information provided during a TestClass run |
CTestFunction | Encapsulates a function registered for testing |
CTestFunctionObserverInformation | Information provided during a function run |
CTestObserver | Base for observer classes allowing to get notifications from a test run |
CTestRunException | An exception raised when a test fails during an execution |
CTestRunParameters | Parameters allowing to drive a test run sequence |
CTestRunResult | Holds informations about a test execution result |
CTestStackLevel | Holds information about a stack level |
CTestUtils | Utilities to write tests |
CUnitTester | Core of the component's testing capabilities |
►NnkExport | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsExport |
CBase64Encoder | Allows to encode and decode data into / from base64 encoding |
CExportable | An interface to define objects that can be exported using this component |
CExporterLoadResult | Holds the information about a try to import data sources |
CExportError | Holds information about a failure when trying to import an object using an Exporter |
CJsonExporter | Exporter to use Json formatted data |
CNode | A node in the tree structure representing the data to export / import |
CTreeReader | Utility class providing an easier way to parse trees |
CTreeReaderCompositeEntry | A templated version of a composite entry, aimed at filling containers |
CTreeReaderEntry | An internal entry stored within the TreeReader |
CTreeReaderTemplateEntry | Templated utility version of an entry within the tree reader |
►NnkGraphics | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsGraphics |
CAttributeGenerationInfo | Holds information for an attribute generation request |
CAttributeGenerationOutput | Describes the output of an attribute generation operation |
CAttributeGranularityUtils | Offers utility to work with the associated enumeration |
CBlendState | Holds all information about the blend operations to use when rendering |
CBlendStateManager | Manages the blend states recorded |
CBoundingBox | A bounding box. Often used to encompass object's bounds in the world |
CBuffer | A buffer that will reside on the GPU |
CBufferManager | Manages the buffers recorded |
CBufferSubResourceDescriptor | Describes how a buffer should be mapped |
CCamera | Offers all controls to model a camera |
CCameraManager | Manages the cameras recorded |
CClearTargetsPass | A clear target pass, during which some targets are cleared |
CCompositeDecodeOptions | Aggregates all decoding options available for composite decoding |
CCompositeEncoder | Allows to work with all formats supported, automatically |
CCompositor | A compositor, describing how to compose the rendering pipeline |
CCompositorManager | Manages the compositors recorded |
CCompositorNode | A node in the rendering graph described by a Compositor |
CComputePass | A compute pass, during which a compute dispatch is launched |
CConfiguration | Configuration for the system's initialization |
CConstantBuffer | Describes a constant buffer |
CContentLoader | Utility class that allows to load content through their declaration files |
CContentLoadResult | Holds information about an attempt of parsing content declaration sources |
CDecodedData | Holds the result of an Encoder's decoding operation |
CDecodedEntityData | Holds data about a decoded entity |
CDecodedMaterialData | Holds data about a decoded material |
CDecodedMeshData | Holds data about a decoded mesh |
CDecodedNodeData | Holds data about a decoded node |
CDecodedTextureData | Holds data about a decoded texture |
CDefaultRenderStrategy | The default render strategy used within the component |
CDepthStencilState | Holds information about a depth and stencil state used for rendering |
CDepthStencilStateManager | Manages the depth stencil states recorded |
CEntity | An entity in a render queue. It drives the shader and possible graph position for a set of renderables (SubEntity) |
CEntityRenderInfo | Compiles the render information for an Entity to use within a RenderQueue |
CEntityRenderInfoSlot | A slot within the render information |
CEntityRenderLodSlot | A LOD slot to potentially draw, within a group slot |
CFrustum | Defines a frustum |
CGlobalTimer | A timer, giving timing capabilities |
CGltfDecodeOptions | Decoding options for GlTF models |
CGltfEncoder | Allows to work with the GLTF 2 format (Do not use, WIP) |
CGltfEncoderUtils | Used internally |
CIndexFormatUtils | Provides utility functions around the INDEX_FORMAT enum |
CInfiniteBitMask | A utility class providing "infinite" masks, formed by bits, or booleans |
CInfiniteMask | A more generic version of the InfiniteBitMask |
CInstancingPass | A pass doing an instanced draw, during which one mesh is drawn X times, in one go |
CLogManager | Responsible for logging all messages from the component |
CMacroEntry | Holds information about a macro entry |
CMainSystem | Main interface with the component system |
CManager | Base class for resource managers |
CMapRequestDescriptor | A description of a request to map a resource |
CMapResult | Contains all information of the result of a map operation on a resource |
CMesh | Holds information about a mesh. Used as a basis to render 3d models |
CMeshFillOptions | Describes how a filling operation should behave |
CMeshInputLayout | Describes the layout of data inside a mesh |
CMeshInputLayoutAttribute | Describes an attribute in a mesh layout |
CMeshManager | Manages the meshes recorded |
CMeshUtils | Offers capabilities to ease the manipulation of meshes in some contexts |
CMonoMaterialPass | A pass rendering the scene, using only one shader to render all the meshes enqueued |
CNode | Represents a node in a scene graph |
CNodeChangeListener | A base class for a listener for node changes |
CNodeManager | Manages the nodes recorded |
CObjDecodeOptions | Describes all options available when decoding the obj format |
CObjEncoder | Allows to work with the Obj format |
CPackedMeshData | Holds mesh low-level data once packed by the MeshUtils |
CPass | The base for a pass within a TargetOperations.
CPostProcessPass | A post processing pass, during which a shader is used to render a quad fitting on the screen |
CPrimitiveTopologyUtils | Offers utility to work with the associated enumeration |
CProgram | Holds all informations related to GPU programs, and manages their compilation |
CProgramCompilationResult | Holds information about a complation result, from a program |
CProgramManager | Manages the programs recorded |
CProgramSourcesHolder | Holds the sources of a program |
CRasterState | Holds information about a raster state |
CRasterStateManager | Manages the raster states available in the component |
CRaytracingPass | A raytracing pass. Dispatches rays, using hardware acceleration |
CRenderCommand | Describes a render command and provides the necessary information for it to happen |
CRenderCommandQueue | A queue of rendering commands |
CRenderContext | A rendering context, attached to a window or an offscreen texture |
CRenderContextDescriptor | A descriptor, used when creating a context along with its window |
CRenderContextManager | Manages the render contexts recorded |
CRenderer | A renderer, implementing the logic of using a graphics API |
CRendererSupportInfo | Informations about the supported features |
CRenderQueue | A render queue, where all items that have to be rendered are queued |
CRenderQueueManager | Manages the render queues recorded |
CRenderScenePass | A pass rendering render queues |
CRenderStrategy | A render strategy, used by a render queue to prepare the render commands |
CResource | Base class for a resource in the component |
CResourceDeclAugmentCallback | A callback called whenever a resource is being processed, during a save or load of resource set |
CResourceGpuCopyDescriptor | Holds information about a resource copy happening on the GPU only |
CResourceManager | Generic resource manager, enabling more intelligent processing of resources, compared to the ContentLoader |
CResourceSetLoadQuery | Holds information about a resource set (project) load query |
CResourceSetLoadResult | Holds the result of a loading operation for a resource set |
CResourceSetSaveQuery | Holds information about a resource set (project) saving query |
CSampler | Holds all the information needed of a sampler used during rendering |
CSamplerManager | Manages the samplers recorded |
CScreenshotTaker | Utility class helping to isolate data from a render context |
CShader | A shader class, feeding data to a Program |
CShaderBoundResourceDesc | Holds information about a resource linked in a shader for feeding |
CShaderInstanceCustomDummySlot | A dummy custom instance slot |
CShaderInstanceCustomSlot | A custom slot, implementable by external code |
CShaderInstanceMemorySlot | A memory slot for per instance data in a Shader |
CShaderManager | Manages the shaders recorded |
CShaderMemorySlot | A memory slot in a memory resource |
CShaderPassCustomDummySlot | A dummy custom pass slot |
CShaderPassCustomSlot | A custom slot, implementable by external code |
CShaderPassMemorySlot | A memory slot that fits into a ConstantBuffer. The slot fills entries within the buffer |
CShaderResource | Base class for shader resources. Those are resources that can be fed to a Shader |
CStreamOutputDescriptor | Holds information about a stream output slot |
CStructToString | Converts enums to string, and vice versa |
CTargetDescriptor | Describes how a target should be addressed during rendering |
CTargetOperations | Describes a target operation set |
CTexture | A texture used for rendering, hosted on GPU |
CTextureManager | Manages the textures available in the component |
CTextureSaver | Utility class to save texture contents in files |
CTextureSubResourceDescriptor | Describes how a texture should be mapped |
CTextureUtils | Utility class to retrieve or compute interesting data about textures |
CUnmapRequestDescriptor | Description of an unmap request |
CVertexComposition | Describes how VertexData should be interpreted when generating low-level mesh data |
CVertexData | A high-level mesh data representation |
CViewport | Holds all the information needed about a viewport |
CViewportManager | Manages the viewports available in the component |
►NnkImages | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsImages |
CAlignmentDescriptor | Holds information about alignment constraints |
CAlignmentUtils | Offers tools to realign an image's memory |
CBmpEncoder | Offers capabilities to encode and decode BMP format |
CCompositeEncoder | Utility encoder using all other encoders within nkImages to parse arbitrary data |
CConversionUtils | Utility class offering helpers for conversions |
CDdsEncoder | Offers capabilities to encode and decode DDS format |
CHdrEncoder | Offers capabilities to encode and decode HDR format |
CImage | Holds all information required for an image, with ownership over the data |
CImageBase | Base for all image data classes |
CImageDescriptor | Describes an image within an array. Used internally |
CImageView | Holds all information required for an image, with no ownership over the data |
CJpgCompressionSettings | Describes available settings for Jpeg encoding queries |
CJpgEncoder | Offers capabilities to encode and decode JPEG format |
CLogManager | Responsible for logging all messages from the component |
CMipDescriptor | Describes a mip within an image. Used internally |
CPixelFormatUtils | Utility class to translate enum values into linked useful data |
CPngEncoder | Offers capabilities to decode the PNG format |
►NnkInputs | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsInputs |
CInputSystem | Interface with the back end input system |
CKeyboardDevice | A keyboard device |
CKeyboardDeviceManager | Manages keyboard devices available in a System |
CLogManager | Responsible for logging all messages from the component |
CMouseDevice | A mouse device |
CMouseDeviceManager | Manages the mouse devices available in the component |
CSystem | Main interface with the component |
►NnkLog | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsLog |
CConsoleLogger | A default implementation for a Logger that will log messages into the console |
CFileLogger | Default implementation of a logger outputing the logged information to a file |
CLogger | An interface to make all logging capabilities central |
CString | Allows to exchange strings with external code |
CStringView | Allows to exchange strings with external code |
►NnkMaths | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsMaths |
CFloatEncoder | Provides functionalities to encode floats into different formats |
CHasher | Provides hashing capabilities |
CIntVector | A 4-component vector class, with integers |
CMathConstants | Availables constants |
CMatrix | Represents a 4x4 float matrix |
CPoint | Represents a 2D Point |
CQuaternion | A quaternion, symbolizing rotations as a 4D vector |
CRectangle | Represents a 2D rectangle |
CVector | A 4-component vector class, with floats |
►NnkMemory | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsMemory |
CAllocator | Interface representing an allocator, supposed to allocate an object when requested |
CBitStream | Offers capabilities to read data bit per bit |
CBuffer | A buffer holding binary data |
CBufferCast | Holds a Buffer and make it easy to cast the binary data |
CBufferDataDescriptor | Describes the data held by a buffer |
CBufferView | A view over data |
CDeallocator | Interface used for deallocating memory |
CDefaultAllocator | A utility default allocator allocating an object through a simple call to new |
CDefaultDeallocator | A utility default deallocator using a simple call to delete |
CDefaultMemorySpace | A basic memory space with default implementation |
CDefaultMemorySpaceAllocator | A default memory space allocator, offering the most basic memory allocation method |
CDeflateEncoder | An encoder supporting Inflate/Deflate compression |
CDeflateOutputStorage | Used internally to keep track of the output buffer status |
CFreeListAllocation | Holds information about an allocation returned by the pager |
CFreeListPager | A pager implementing the free list pattern |
CHuffmanLut | Allows to create a Look-Up-Table (LUT) of a Huffman tree |
CHuffmanSymbol | Holds a symbol's information within the Huffman LUT |
CHuffmanTreeDescriptor | Descriptor for a Huffman LUT creation |
CLinearPager | A pager using a linear allocation algorithm |
CLogManager | Responsible for logging all messages from the component |
CMemorySpace | Represents a memory space held by a page in a pager |
CMemorySpaceAllocator | Defines the interface for a memory space allocator, to be used within the pagers |
CPtrPool | A pool of objects, allocated in the heap and tracked by their pointers |
CString | Class holding information about a string, with ownership over the data |
CStringView | Class holding information about a string, with no ownership over the data |
CUniquePtr | Smart pointer owning the object instance it encapsulates |
►NnkResources | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsResources |
CLogManager | The log manager class attached to this component |
CResourceManager | Manager helping with path finding and resource loading |
►NnkScripts | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsScripts |
CArrayAccessorDescriptor | Holds information about the way to access a user type as an array |
CCompilationResult | Holds information about script loading attempt |
CContentLoader | Allows to export and import content through their declaration files |
CContentLoadResult | Holds information about a content load attempt |
CEnvironment | Defines an environment in which scripts can execute |
CEnvironmentManager | Manages the environments available |
CExecutionResult | Holds information about the execution result of a script in an environment |
CFunction | Holds information, and controls, over a function in a scripting environment |
CFunctionParameter | A function parameter, used within the stack of arguments |
CLogManager | Responsible for logging all messages from the component |
CNamespace | Holds information and allow control over a namespace in a scripting environment |
CProjectLoader | Offers project loading / saving capabilities |
CProjectLoadQuery | Holds information about a project load query |
CProjectLoadResult | Holds information about a project load attempt |
CProjectSaveQuery | Holds information for a project saving query |
CResourceDeclAugmentCallback | Represents a callback enabling to "augment" a loading or saving of a project |
CScript | Holds all information for a script |
CScriptManager | Manages the scripts available in the component |
CScriptObjectInterpreterReference | Base interface for interpreter specific reference over script object |
CScriptObjectInterpreterView | Base interface for an interpreter specific script object view |
CScriptObjectReference | A reference over an object in the scripting environment |
CScriptObjectReferenceStruct | Holds information about a reference |
CScriptObjectView | A view over an object in the scripting environment |
CStringUtils | Utility for string manipulations |
CUserType | Represents a user type and all the information and control related |
CUserTypeFieldDescriptor | Holds all the information required to define a field |
CUserTypeHolder | Holds information about a user type parameter |
►NnkTasks | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsTasks |
CLambdaSchedulerTask | Utility scheduler task using lambda functions to work |
CLambdaTask | Utility task using lambda functions to submit work |
CLogManager | Responsible for logging all messages from the component |
CScheduler | Manages a ThreadPool and eases the synchronization with the managing thread |
CSchedulerTask | A task compatible with the Scheduler, adding a synchronization point |
CTask | A task, job that can be submitted to a nkTasks::Thread |
CThread | Symbolizes a thread. Base block to submit off-thread nkTasks::Task in this component |
CThreadPool | A pool with pre-created threads, allowing to queue work asynchronously |
►NnkWinUi | Encompasses all API of component NilkinsWinUi |
CAlignmentUtils | Holds static utility functions to interact with the ALIGNMENT enum class values |
CButton | A graphical button |
CChangeEventData | Data holder for a change event |
CCharEventData | Data holder for a char event |
CCheckBox | A graphical check box |
CClickEventData | Data holder for a click event |
CClipboard | Abstracts the system clipboard |
CColor | Represents a color, with 4 channels |
►CComboBox | A graphical combo box |
CEntry | Represents an entry within the combo box |
CComponent | Base class for any graphical component |
CComponentManager | Manages the components within nkWinUi |
CComponentUtils | Offers many utilities to deal with the components, specialized for its windowing system |
CContentLoader | Allows to export and import content through their declaration files |
►CContextMenu | A graphical context menu |
CItem | An item within the context menu component |
CCursor | WIP |
CCursorManager | Manages the recorded cursors living in the component |
CCursorUtils | A utility class to interact with the cursor |
CEditBox | A graphical single line edit box |
►CFileExplorer | A graphical file explorer |
CFileFilter | Used to filter files in the interface |
CFont | Offers an interface to work with fonts |
CFontManager | Manages the recorded fonts [WIP] |
CFontUtils | Offers utility features to work with fonts |
CGridLayout | Implements a layout organizing children components in a grid |
CGroupBox | A graphical group box |
CHandledEventData | Data holder for a handled event |
CImage | Abstracts an image to be used within the component |
CImageDisplay | Allows to display an image in the Ui |
CImageManager | Manages the images in the component |
CInputDescriptor | Describes an input event |
CInputSystem | Input system, centralizing default behaviour for the input |
CKeyEventData | Data holder for a key event |
CLayout | Represents a layout to organize children of a component |
►CListBox | A graphical list box |
CItem | |
CLogManager | Responsible for logging all messages from the component |
CLogWin | A graphical log window, where lines can be added like a console log |
CMouseMoveEventData | Data holder for a mouse move event |
CMultiLineEdit | A graphical multi line edit box |
CNotificationPositionDescriptor | Describes the position constraints a notification or popup should satisfy |
CNotificator | Gather notification and popup related functions |
CPopupCustomDescriptor | Describes how a custom popup should behave |
CPopupYesNoDescriptor | Describes the behaviour a yes / no popup should have |
CProgressBar | WIP |
CRelativeLayout | Implements a layout positioning its children components relative to each other |
CRelativePositionUtils | Holds static utility functions to interact with the RELATIVE_POSITION enum class values |
CScrollBar | A graphical scroll bar |
CSlider | A graphical slider |
CStatic | A graphical static text zone |
CStructToString | Offers utilities to convert from structures or enums to strings, and vice versa |
CSystem | The main system of the component |
►CTabWindow | A graphical tab window |
CTab | Holds information about a tab in the window |
CTheme | A theme used to style the windows in the component |
CThemeColors | Information about all the colors a theme will need |
CThemeManager | Manages the themes within the component |
►CToolBar | A ToolBar in which items can be added to offer different capabilities |
CItem | Represents an item within a ToolBar |
►CTreeView | A graphical tree view window |
CItem | Holds information of a tree view item |
CWheelEventData | Data holder for a wheel event |
CWindow | A graphical window, made for general purpose |
CWindowingSystem | Class abstracting the windowing system used |