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API Documentation
nkMaths::Vector getDirectionAtPixelView(int x, int y, RenderContext *fromContext=nullptr)
void setNear(float value)
void setAutoUpdateOnContextSwitch(bool value)
void lookAt(const nkMaths::Vector &point, const nkMaths::Vector &enforcedUp=nkMaths::Vector(0, 0, 0, 0))
float getOrthographicHeight() const
void setHidden(bool value)
const nkMaths::Matrix & getProjectionMatrix() const
virtual void setPositionAbsolute(const nkMaths::Vector &value) override
void setOrthographicHeight(float value)
Main interface with the component system.
Definition: System.h:14
virtual void exportClassToTree(nkExport::Node *rootNode) override
Offers all controls to model a camera.
Definition: Camera.h:14
static nkMemory::UniquePtr< Camera > create(System *system=nullptr)
virtual void rotateRelative(const nkMaths::Quaternion &value) override
const nkMaths::Matrix & getViewMatrix() const
A quaternion, symbolizing rotations as a 4D vector.
Definition: Quaternion.h:14
void getFarPlanePoints(nkMaths::Vector &a, nkMaths::Vector &b, nkMaths::Vector &c, nkMaths::Vector &d)
bool getAutoUpdateOnContextSwitch() const
void getNearPlanePoints(nkMaths::Vector &a, nkMaths::Vector &b, nkMaths::Vector &c, nkMaths::Vector &d)
float getAspectRatio() const
void setAspectRatio(float widthOnHeight)
void setProjectionType(PROJECTION_TYPE value)
Represents a 4x4 float matrix.
Definition: Matrix.h:14
A rendering context, attached to a window or an offscreen texture.
Definition: RenderContext.h:14
const Frustum & getFrustum()
virtual void translateRelative(const nkMaths::Vector &value) override
nkMaths::Vector getDirectionAtScreenCoordView(float x, float y)
virtual void translateAbsolute(const nkMaths::Vector &value) override
virtual void applyScale(const nkMaths::Vector &value) override
void prepareForContext(RenderContext *context)
nkMaths::Vector getDirectionAtPixelWorld(int x, int y, RenderContext *fromContext=nullptr)
nkMaths::Vector getDirectionAtScreenCoordWorld(float x, float y)
nkMemory::StringView getName() const
A node in the tree structure representing the data to export / import.
Definition: Node.h:42
virtual void rotateAbsolute(const nkMaths::Quaternion &value) override
virtual void importClassFromTree(nkExport::Node *rootNode) override
Smart pointer owning the object instance it encapsulates.
Definition: UniquePtr.h:17
void updateProjectionMatrix()
Class holding information about a string, with no ownership over the data.
Definition: StringView.h:22
void getFrustumCornersDirectionsWorld(nkMaths::Vector &a, nkMaths::Vector &b, nkMaths::Vector &c, nkMaths::Vector &d)
virtual void setPositionRelative(const nkMaths::Vector &value) override
virtual void setScaleRelative(const nkMaths::Vector &value) override
nkMaths::Matrix getViewProjMatrix() const
Defines a frustum.
Definition: Frustum.h:16
virtual void setScaleAbsolute(const nkMaths::Vector &value) override
PROJECTION_TYPE getProjectionType() const
Represents a node in a scene graph.
Definition: Node.h:16
void setFov(float radianValue)
Encompasses all API of component NilkinsGraphics.
Definition: BoundingBox.h:7
virtual void setOrientationAbsolute(const nkMaths::Quaternion &value) override
Lists all possible projection types for a camera.
Definition: ProjectionType.h:12
void getFrustumCornersDirectionsView(nkMaths::Vector &a, nkMaths::Vector &b, nkMaths::Vector &c, nkMaths::Vector &d)
A 4-component vector class, with floats.
Definition: Vector.h:12
void setName(const nkMemory::StringView &name)
virtual void setOrientationRelative(const nkMaths::Quaternion &value) override