01. Getting Started
02. High Level Overview
00. Preface
01. Engine Launch
02. Using Materials
00. Preface
01. Prototyping The NkGraphics Tutorials
00. Preface
00. Preface
01. Engine Launch
02. Configuration
03. Adding a mesh
04. Custom Render Loop
05. A First Shader
06. Using Textures
07. Composition
08. Inserting A Compute Filter
09. Running RTX
10. Pushing RTX
a00. Interop between GLSL and HLSL
00. Preface
01. Decoding Images
00. Preface
00. Preface
00. Preface
00. Preface
00. Preface
00. Preface
01. Basic Setup
02. Variables And Functions
03. Namespaces And UserTypes
04. Advanced UserType Usage
05. Script Object References
06. Multi-Environment
00. Preface
00. Preface
01. A First Window
Welcome to the Nilkins Engine ! In this section, you will find everything needed to get started with it. It will offer :
- Guidance among the different components
- Guidance on how to use the API, in its basics
A good starting point when getting to know the engine would be the General section, leading through the release package setup and a quick tour of the API.
After that, more precise information regarding specific components can be searched for in dedicated sections.